March 2, 2020The Brevard Schools Foundation Scholarship application closes on March 8th. I Love my Island, Inc. has sponsored two scholarships for Merritt Island Seniors (Entrepreneur Launch Scholarship). Go to and apply! The application, when completed, will tell you all scholarships for which you are eligible.
I often consult the internet to see what “celebrations” are planned for the month. Here is what I found in March,
March 1 – Caretaker Appreciation Day
Do you know someone caring for a relative? Or someone who works caring for others in a nursing home or assisted living center? Today would be a good day for showing your appreciation to them. Caretakers – whether paid or unpaid are one of the most important members of our community. UNDER-PAID – IF PAID AT ALL – often unacknowledged and under-appreciated. In my own family I can immediately think of two caretakers – Linda, who cared for her mother until her death and still cares for her 89 year old father and Hope, Greg and Elijah who help care for a cousin. Thank you for all you do!
Please take the time today to show a caretaker how much you appreciate them!
March 3 – Aging Matters Awards Ceremony honoring those who do so much for our community.
March 17 – St. Patrick’s day and Voting day. If you haven’t mailed your ballot in or early voted plan on going to the polls!
March 19th – Spring Equinox. Time to get that garden in shape!
March 25th – Manatee Appreciation day. Have you been to Manatee sanctuary on Cape Canaveral? Or Manatee Park on Merritt Island? If not, go and spend a few minutes enjoying the outdoors. Even if you don’t see a manatee the time will bring you back in touch with nature.
The 25th is also Waffle Appreciation day. Try the Chicken and Waffles at the Merritt Island Pancake House!
March 29th – the National Vietnam Veteran’s Day. Visit the Vet Museum on Merritt Island. Thank a vet who served in Vietnam. Remember all those who serve for all of us.
Mix it up, celebrate life and those around us.