Monday May 11, 2020
Hope you all had a good Mother’s Day! I touched base with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson through facebook. Different than previous Mother’s Days but still a good visit!
On behalf of our donors, I took a single rose with a note attached for each of the women residents at Island Health and Rehab. A small token letting them know we have not forgotten them even if no in person visits can happen. Also included the staff – they are doing a tremendous job taking care of the residents under the most trying of circumstances.
Our store is open again. We have been blessed with many donations of clothing and household items in the last weeks and our staff has worked hard to disinfect and clean to ensure the highest level of safety possible for our shoppers. We do ask that all shoppers maintain the 6 foot rule of distance as recommended by the CDC.
I have been able to contact a few of our Health Meals Older Islanders and so far they are doing OK. Hopefully, the Seniors at Lunch Program will be able to open again soon. Although there may not be a shortage of food right now for these Islanders, the isolation and loneliness is taking a toll. If you know an Older Islander who is in quarantine, please take the time to call them or write a note. Many of our seniors live alone and would benefit greatly from knowing they have not been forgotten.
I will keep you updated as things progress. Remember to stay safe. Distancing and wearing a mask are PROVEN ways to help stem this illness.