Our dinner – sponsored by The MOOSE LODGE – was a great success. We raised funds to support our Christmas Holiday Project at Woody Simpson and for our Older Islanders Food Program.
So many volunteers helped. First, Thank You to Chris Pedone who made 500 meatballs and cooked pasta and garlic bread for hours. Thank you to Trish Keller who did everything else, including the fresh Flowers on the tables. All the other Moose volunteers who sold tickets, helped at the buffet line, sold raffle tickets and then helped clean up. We are so thankful to you all!!!
To those who attended, including the big group from St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, THANK YOU! 100% of your tickets went toward the child and senior programs. We couldn’t do it without you.
Thank you also to Linda, Leslie and Diane for all the home baked desserts.