Met with some clients on Friday who are working through our Care Management Program (services are provided at no cost). It’s amazing what can happen when an older Islander has some help in setting goals and following-through! These successes often impact multiple facets of daily living – better functioning and adherence to treatment plans are positively impacted. It is so gratifying to work with people 1:1 and get to see the successes!
This work is supported through your donations and through our fundraising. Our walk/run on October 5th is our 1st big fundraiser. Please consider contributing what you can. Even a $20.00 donation can make a difference in continuing to provide this program. To register as a walker or runner, go to or call 321-501.3999.
To donate you can go to the “donate” button on this site, visit our store and make a cash donation or send a check to I Love My Island, Inc., 245 Crockett Blvd., Merritt Island, Fl. 32953.
EVERY CONTRIBUTION IS MEANINGFUL AND APPRECIATED! Our work in the community continues because of YOU. Thank you.
** We are still in need of business sponsors for this event. Please call 321.501.3999.