It has been a long month.  I spent some time in Texas with my grandson who had a minor shoulder injury – he is doing fine now.  Have been back for several weeks trying touch base with our programs and see what needs are out there.

The Healthy Meals for Older Adults Program is on hold; I am trying to follow-up with the clients to see how they are.  We have helped several new residents of local nursing homes who were admitted and had NOTHING!  It is really sad when I get a call saying they came from a hospital with only the hospital gown!

The local nursing homes have been doing an unbelievable job caring for their residents.  NO Covid outbreaks.  The residents are isolated in their rooms and that is so hard on everyone.  The staff members are working to keep everyone healthy and provide what activities they can.  No families can visit – the mental health of residents and staff is so important at times like this.  I Love My Island, Inc. has ordered a single rose for each of the female residents and staff members for Mother’s Day and we will attach a card letting them know that you – our donors – are thinking of them.  I hope this will provide a small bit of sunshine to these residents and hardworking, dedicated staff members.

Our store was closed and as this is our primary source of funding we are behind financially.  If you can give $5 or $10 or more it would really help make up this shortfall.  You may go to the DONATE button on this site or mail to us at 245 Crockett Blvd. Merritt Island, Fl. 32953.  All donations will be earmarked for our programs, especially the programs for feeding older Islanders and children.

Thank you for all you do – our work in the community can only happen because of YOU!
