Our delivery to Older Islanders of food and play baskets last week was wonderful! We delivered 19 baskets to Islanders who usually participate in the Seniors at Lunch Program and to two Islanders who remain shut-in their homes due to the pandemic.
Included in the baskets were staple foods and fresh fruit including raspberries, bananas, strawberries, pears, grapes and avocado. Also included was a puzzle book and plant, hand sanitizer, bleach, laundry detergent and, most especially, a personal note written from a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church to the recipient. Julie Colombo delivered 6 baskets and I delivered 13 and so got to meet each person. They were delightful and so thankful!
If you know of an Older Islander who is house bound reach out if you can. Remember, those in nursing homes and assisted living remain in quarantine unable to get outside or to have visitors. If you can – do something. If I Love My Island can help please let me know.
We at I Love My Island, Inc. are also thankful to our generous donors for underwriting this program. A special thanks to St. Luke’s for both the monetary contribution and for the personal notes.
We are still looking for twin size beds and mattresses for a family with 4 small children and dressers (child size) for another family with 3 children (this for a grandmother who is raising her grandchildren). Please let me know if you can help us supply these items.
Thank you for all you do!