Helen* was brought to my office a week ago by her brother. She has lived in a nursing home for many years after a tragic auto accident left her with brain damage. Her family has been supportive and visits her regularly but they are not in a position to help her monetarily. Helen has been wearing clothes handed down from other residents of her home, she has not chosen an outfit for herself for some time.
Helen and I spent about an hour finding pants and blouses she liked. She was very picky (as I am!) about the color and fit. We found several new outfits and Helen had a huge smile on her face as she left! Seems like such a little thing – new pants and blouses – but such an important gift from the community.
You helped put that smile on her face through your donations to our non-profit. There are many older Islanders like Helen that need your help. Although I have changed her name to protect her privacy there are many “Helens” on our Island. Your donations are returned to the community through our non-profit organization and YOU make a difference. Thank you for caring and contributing!