On a recent day I visited a Seniors At Lunch Program here on the Island. Two older gentlemen were waiting for their ride to go home. As we chatted, I realized that both were quite thin. We talked about the food served at the program (both said it was quite good and they were thankful to be able to get lunch there Monday through Friday). I then asked “what do you do for food on the weekend or when the program is not open on a holiday?”. Both men became quiet and then said “well, we do the best we can”.
Probing a little more I discovered that they had little food when not at the program. Maybe a can of sardines, or a sandwich they said. When I asked about fresh fruit or vegetables or something more filling, both replied they had no access to more food.
It doesn’t matter at this point why these older men don’t have sufficient food. That answer can come later. But the fact that they do not have sufficient food for the weekends certainly contributes to the thinness I observed. The lack of food and lack of fresh food likely also contributes to health problems. Memory difficulties. Generally not feeling well. Not being able to live life to its fullest.
ILMI is going to address this problem for these older Islanders and for others who attend this program. Beginning in January, we will be providing food to be taken home so no senior here goes hungry on the weekend. We are exploring ways to help resolve this for this group; it’s just not OK for our seniors (or children) to lack a simple, nutritional meal every day. Hopefully, we will also help resolve some of the issues that contribute to this (inability to shop, lack of access to affordable food, etc.). We will be asking for your support for this program as we cannot do it on our own. It is only through your generous support and donations that our work in the community can continue. Because of you, we are making a difference in our community. And as always, I am grateful for what you do.