I want to share a story about how 2 veterans – one Navy and one Army connected through I Love My Island, Inc.
A few weeks ago I received a call from a friend. A friend of hers (Army) had just lost his wife and had some medical equipment including a wheelchair and walker that he wanted to donate. Did I know anyone who could use?
I thought about another vet (Navy) I had spoken with a few days before who had to limit her activities some because she could not walk far. She was considering a wheelchair for activities requiring walking. Presto! John donated the wheelchair and walker and I called Mary who came and picked both up!
Sometimes it is almost like magic. A need is identified and a donor appears! That has also occurred with our Bag Pack program to feed children and our Healthy Meals for Older Adults Program. We put the word out and YOU, OUR DONORS, respond.
YOUR generosity is magic in the lives of those who need it most. Thank you!